1 min read

Snippet · potential coalitions

We added a ParlGov snippet that creates a dataset of potential coalitions and their parameters.

This code has a long history and was written for work published in Thürk/Hellström/Döring (2021). Initially, a Python script was developed in the project to calculate the potential coalitions. Later, several revisions were prepared with Tidyverse-R, and the last revision was in 2022. For the version added to ParlGov Snippets, we used data from the 2024 release and made minor code updates.

In addition, we added another ParlGov snippet to visualize the vote share of party families since 1900. This snippet also has a longer history and is based on old teaching material.

Thürk, Maria, Johan Hellström, and Holger Döring. 2021. “Institutional Constraints on Cabinet Formation: Veto Points and Party System Dynamics.” European Journal of Political Research 60(2): 295–316. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12407.

ParlGov snippets